. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "TextLocation" . "Review" . "complex(p(HGNC:IL6),p(HGNC:IL6R),p(HGNC:IL6ST))" . "Approximately 2000 hand curated statements drawn from 57 PubMeds." . "Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Selventa. All Rights Reserved." . "BEL Framework Small Corpus Document" . "Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License" . . "1.6" . "We and our colleagues identified the two components of IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), an 80-kDa\nIL-6-binding protein (α chain) and a 130-kDa signal transducer known as gp130\n(β chain), in 1988 and 1990[37-39], respectively. Although IL-6 cannot directly\nbind to gp130, it can bind to IL-6R to generate the high-affinity complex of\nIL-6/IL-6R/gp130." . . "support@belframework.org" . "Selventa" . . . . "2014-07-03T14:29:33.453+02:00"^^ . . .