. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "TextLocation" . "Results" . "act(p(HGNC:RIN1)) -> (kin(p(HGNC:EGFR)) -> bp(GOBP:\"cell proliferation\"))" . "kin(p(HGNC:EGFR)) -> bp(GOBP:\"cell proliferation\")" . "Approximately 2000 hand curated statements drawn from 57 PubMeds." . "Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Selventa. All Rights Reserved." . "BEL Framework Small Corpus Document" . "Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License" . . "20131211" . "However, Rin1Δ expression did not complement Rin1 knockdown defects but instead caused\nfurther inhibition of cell proliferation (Fig. 4E). These results suggest\nthat a functional Vps9 domain is critical for Rin1 activity in EGFR-mediated cell\nproliferation. To verify that the Rin1 Vps9 domain was important for A549 cell\nproliferation, Rin1Δ or wild type Rin1 expression constructs were transfected into\nA549 cells and assayed for colony formation (Fig. 5, A and B). Only Rin1Δ expression\nbut not wild type Rin1 expression resulted in decreased cell proliferation.\nThese results indicated that Rin1 lacking a functional Vps9 domain acted as\na dominant negative, suggesting that the trafficking roles of Rin1 were mediating\nEGFR proliferative signaling in A549 cells." . . "support@belframework.org" . "Selventa" . . . . "2014-07-03T14:31:17.507+02:00"^^ . . .