@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix this: <http://www.tkuhn.ch/bel2nanopub/RAtincC7EowNCTJP3cMLK9iAHSXryIAJaEDERYTyqZj0o> .
@prefix sub: <http://www.tkuhn.ch/bel2nanopub/RAtincC7EowNCTJP3cMLK9iAHSXryIAJaEDERYTyqZj0o#> .
@prefix beldoc: <http://resource.belframework.org/belframework/1.0/knowledge/small_corpus.bel> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix dce: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
@prefix pav: <http://purl.org/pav/> .
@prefix np: <http://www.nanopub.org/nschema#> .
@prefix prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#> .
@prefix Protein: <http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/searchId.do?chebiId=CHEBI_36080> .
@prefix hgnc: <http://www.genenames.org/cgi-bin/gene_symbol_report?hgnc_id=> .
@prefix geneProductOf: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0002204> .
@prefix hasPart: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000051> .
@prefix ProteinComplex: <http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0043234> .
@prefix hasAnnotation: <http://semanticscience.org/resource/SIO_000255> .
@prefix species: <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=> .
@prefix occursIn: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000066> .
@prefix pubmed: <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/> .
@prefix orcid: <http://orcid.org/> .
sub:Head {
  this: np:hasAssertion sub:assertion ;
    np:hasProvenance sub:provenance ;
    np:hasPublicationInfo sub:pubinfo ;
    a np:Nanopublication .
sub:assertion {
  sub:_1 hasPart: sub:_2 , sub:_3 , sub:_4 ;
    occursIn: species:9606 ;
    hasAnnotation: sub:_5 ;
    a ProteinComplex: .
  sub:_2 geneProductOf: hgnc:6307 ;
    a Protein: .
  sub:_3 geneProductOf: hgnc:6150 ;
    a Protein: .
  sub:_4 geneProductOf: hgnc:6156 ;
    a Protein: .
  sub:_5 dc:subject "TextLocation" ;
    rdf:value "Abstract" .
  sub:assertion rdfs:label "complex(p(HGNC:KDR),p(HGNC:ITGAV),p(HGNC:ITGB3))" .
sub:provenance {
  beldoc: dce:description "Approximately 2000 hand curated statements drawn from 57 PubMeds." ;
    dce:rights "Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Selventa. All Rights Reserved." ;
    dce:title "BEL Framework Small Corpus Document" ;
    dc:license "Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License" ;
    pav:authoredBy sub:_7 ;
    pav:version "1.6" .
  sub:_6 prov:value """Here we examine the nature of the physical interaction between the αvβ3 integrin and
two receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), the platelet-derived growth factor receptor
β (PDGF-Rβ) and the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGF-R2,
also known as KDR and flk-1). Both of these RTKs associate with the αvβ3 integrin
but do not associate with β1 integrins. Furthermore, growth factor stimulation
of these RTKs promotes increased cell proliferation and migration when cells
are attached to the αvβ3 ligand, vitronectin.""" ;
    prov:wasQuotedFrom pubmed:10964931 .
  sub:_7 rdfs:comment "support@belframework.org" ;
    rdfs:label "Selventa" .
  sub:assertion prov:hadPrimarySource pubmed:10964931 ;
    prov:wasDerivedFrom beldoc: , sub:_6 .
sub:pubinfo {
  this: dc:created "2014-07-03T14:29:31.707+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    pav:createdBy orcid:0000-0001-6818-334X , orcid:0000-0002-1267-0234 .