@prefix this: <http://www.tkuhn.ch/bel2nanopub/RAwoPUXCwqaohp9cQcZky363X2nEUL0W3oHMMln6nhAMg> .
@prefix sub: <http://www.tkuhn.ch/bel2nanopub/RAwoPUXCwqaohp9cQcZky363X2nEUL0W3oHMMln6nhAMg#> .
@prefix beldoc: <http://resource.belframework.org/belframework/1.0/knowledge/small_corpus.bel> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix dce: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
@prefix pav: <http://purl.org/pav/> .
@prefix np: <http://www.nanopub.org/nschema#> .
@prefix belv: <http://www.selventa.com/vocabulary/> .
@prefix prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#> .
@prefix schem: <http://resource.belframework.org/belframework/1.0/namespace/selventa-legacy-chemical-names/> .
@prefix hgnc: <http://www.genenames.org/cgi-bin/gene_symbol_report?hgnc_id=> .
@prefix proteinModification: <http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ontology-lookup/?termId=MOD:00000> .
@prefix psimod: <http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ontology-lookup/?termId=MOD:> .
@prefix hasAnnotation: <http://semanticscience.org/resource/SIO_000255> .
@prefix atcc: <http://www.lgcstandards-atcc.org/Products/All/> .
@prefix occursIn: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000066> .
@prefix species: <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=> .
@prefix mesh: <http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/MSH/> .
@prefix pubmed: <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/> .
@prefix orcid: <http://orcid.org/> .
sub:Head {
  this: np:hasAssertion sub:assertion ;
    np:hasProvenance sub:provenance ;
    np:hasPublicationInfo sub:pubinfo ;
    a np:Nanopublication .
sub:assertion {
  sub:_1 belv:variantOf hgnc:4617 ;
    a proteinModification: , psimod:00696 .
  sub:_2 occursIn: mesh:D002460 , mesh:D007668 , atcc:CRL-1658.aspx , species:10090 ;
    hasAnnotation: sub:_3 ;
    rdf:object sub:_1 ;
    rdf:predicate belv:increases ;
    rdf:subject schem:8-Bromo%20cyclic%20adenosine%20monophosphate ;
    a rdf:Statement .
  sub:_3 dct:subject "TextLocation" ;
    rdf:value "Results" .
  sub:assertion rdfs:label "a(SCHEM:\"8-Bromo cyclic adenosine monophosphate\") -> p(HGNC:GSK3B,pmod(P,S,9))" .
sub:provenance {
  beldoc: dce:description "Approximately 2000 hand curated statements drawn from 57 PubMeds." ;
    dce:rights "Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Selventa. All Rights Reserved." ;
    dce:title "BEL Framework Small Corpus Document" ;
    dct:license "Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License" ;
    pav:authoredBy sub:_5 ;
    pav:version "1.6" .
  sub:_4 prov:value """In Rat1, NIH 3T3, and HEK293 cells, increases in the intracellular levels of cAMP
stimulate phosphorylation of GSK-3α and -β, as demonstrated by immunoblotting with
GSK-3 phosphorylation-specific antibodies. As shown in Fig. 1, the cell-permeable
cAMP analogue 8-Br-cAMP induced a marked increase in phosphorylation of GSK-3α
and - β at serine 21 and 9, respectively, whereas the structurally related
cGMP analogue 8-Br-cGMP had little effect. Forskolin, which activates adenyl cyclase
thus raising intracellular cAMP levels (15), triggered a similar elevation
in GSK-3 phosphorylation at serine 21 and 9. In Rat1 cells, isoproterenol, which
activates the b-adrenergic receptor stimulating adenylate cyclase and increasing
endogenous cAMP levels (16, 17), also efficiently stimulated GSK-3 phosphorylation
at these serine sites. In NIH 3T3 cells that contain few of the β-adrenergic
receptors, stimulation with other G-protein-coupled receptor agonists, such as
lysophosphatidic acid. also led to GSK-3 phosphorylation (data not shown)""" ;
    prov:wasQuotedFrom pubmed:11035810 .
  sub:_5 rdfs:comment "support@belframework.org" ;
    rdfs:label "Selventa" .
  sub:assertion prov:hadPrimarySource pubmed:11035810 ;
    prov:wasDerivedFrom beldoc: , sub:_4 .
sub:pubinfo {
  this: dct:created "2014-07-03T14:29:34.666+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    pav:createdBy orcid:0000-0001-6818-334X , orcid:0000-0002-1267-0234 .